
Ponte de Outeiro (Lugo, Spain)

The plant is constituted by two different warehouses with distinctive purposes. Inside “warehouse 1” the process of alkaline thermal stabilisation treatment is carried out, based on biodegradable waste rich in nutrients and organic material, produces a low-cost fertiliser for both agricultural and forestry use. While inside “warehouse 2” is done a turning and natural drying, then a bulk storage, and finally a screening of the product before being put on the market.

The fertilisers produced by AGROAMB are characterised by their degree of porosity and their ability to retain water as a result of the significant amount of organic material, enabling them to significantly improve the soil structure. Throughout the process a quality control (Analysis phase) is done both at the beginning on the feedstock arriving in the waste plant and on product fertilizer before putting into the market.

The main aim Demonstrator activity is to test the functioning and replicability of SUPREMAS solution for 6 months. In AGROAMB plant the novel modular movable unit is tested for using dried, pelletised sewage sludge as main feedstock (alone or blended with structuring feedstock i.e. wood residues) to produce syngas that via CHP system will be valorized. Furthermore, a study related to the biochar valorization will be conducted in order to produce organic fertilizer at low cost suitable for agricultural and forestry use. SUPREMAS impacts expected: 90000kWh/y energy recovery; 111000 t of CO2 storage; novel cost-effective fertilizers; 70k€/y disposal savings per unit.

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